Monday, January 2, 2012

56 Reasons to Exercise Today

As a middle school teacher, I'm committed to creating an environment for my students that is warm and friendly, but most importantly, encouraging and motivating. I want them to leave my room energized to not just embrace learning, but to feel good about themselves. If you know a teenager, you can relate. So when it came time for me to begin my own diet and exercise regimen, aka my 2012 New Year's resolution, I became a student of my own philosophies. Teacher, teach thyself.

I have set my goals and committed them to writing. I plastered them in places around my house. I set up an action plan for following through. Okay, great. But the missing piece was what we educators call the "daily objective," the "teaching target," or "learning goal." It is the why. Why do I want you to learn this? What will it do for you in the grand scheme of your life? What is the take-away from this lesson? I needed to establish the "why" for myself. I knew that in a few weeks or months, I might face discouragement or lack of motivation, and I would need reminders. I needed to surround myself with that same positive, encouraging environment that I give my students.

So here it is, my list of 56 Reasons to Exercise Today, originally titled, "40 Reasons to Get off My Butt and Exercise." I have since expanded my list, thanks in part to contributions from some Facebook friends (you know who you are, thank you!) The health-related reasons are drawn from actual articles I've read about the benefits of exercise, including but not limited to the Mayo Clinic's "Seven Benefits of Regular Exercise Activity."     Any one of those health-related reasons on here can be researched if you want further or more specific data.

I have posted this list on the wall by my bed as well as on my front door; these are the places in which I feel the most tempted to slack off and put off. I scan the list until one or more of these reasons resonates with me that day and I make that trek to the gym or the pavement. Add to them any of your own personal reasons. We all have them. May these give you the kick in the butt, the target objective, the Why, to accomplish your own fitness goals.

56 Reasons to Exercise Today

Anne Thingelstad Blackburn, copyright 2012

1.       Because I am writing the next chapter of my life.
2.       Because I don’t want to avoid-or hide-in photographs anymore.
3.       Because the pain of regret is worse than the pain of discipline.
4.       Because I want to take long hikes and not get winded.
5.       Because I don’t want a giant butt like Aunt ________ .
6.       Because I like the way it makes me feel afterwards.
7.       Because when I accomplish this goal, it will increase my confidence for other challenges in my life.
8.       Because once I do start, I’m always glad I did.  
9.       Because I want there to be plenty of space in my airline seat.
10.   Because I never want to undo the top button ever again.
11.   Because of pretty lingerie.  
12.   Because the joy of health is much greater than the joy of laziness.
13.   Because it increases my energy level.  
14.   Because I like turning a few heads.
15.   Because summer is coming.
16.   Because it improved mental focus.
17.   Because muscles are sexy.
18.   Because it improves symptoms of depression.
19.   Because on a rack somewhere in a boutique is a LBD waiting for me.
20.   Because I want my curves back.
21.   Because baggy clothes are an excuse.
22.   Because it increases metabolism and helps me burn calories faster.
23.   Because it makes me look younger.
24.   Because I want to live longer.
25.   Because of that moment in the dressing room when I realize I needed a bigger size.
26.   Because next week there might be a party or an all-you-can-eat special.
27.   Because it increases neuron activity and may actually make me smarter.
28.   Because knee and foot pain is for old people.
29.   Because it improves posture.
30.   Because it increases my self esteem.
31.   Because I can keep up with my kids.
32.   Because it improves my sleep.
33.   Because of all the clothes in the closet that will fit again.
34.   Because water sports require wet suits.
35.   Because it increases my ability to handle stress.
36.   Because there are medical issues in my family I’d rather not have, thank you.  
37.   Because right now my thighs say to each other, “excuse me, pardon me.”
38.   Because I like me. I choose health!
39.   Because it increases bone density, and when I’m older, I’ll appreciate that.
40.   Because I think I finally figured out what Victoria’s secret really is.
41.   Because today is the first day of the rest of my life.
42.   Because if I don’t, I may not get up and do it ever again.
43.   Because it reduces the risk of heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes.
44.   Because I want to go forwards, not backwards.
45.   Because I might actually want to buy a thong someday.
46.   Because I made a decision to improve my health, and I want to stick with my resolution.
47.   Because the dog needs it, too.
48.   Because the secret to getting ahead is getting started (Mark Twain)
49.   Because research has proved it will improve my sex life.
50.   Because somewhere there is a beach I’d like to visit.
51.   Because I’d like to remove “muffin top” from my vocabulary.
52.   Because it’s a great way to meet new people.
53.   Because it will boost my immune system.
54.   Because my health is important to my future grandchildren. I want to know them.
55.   Because I’m done spiraling up and down in my health and fitness.
56.   Because I can’t think of an acceptable reason not to. 

copyright 2012, Anne Thingelstad Blackburn, Write the Next Chapter
